Vanessa Vok,

International Volunteer
"I, Vanessa Vok, undertook an internship with REED Nepal from September 4th to November 17th, 2023 virtually, under the mentorship of Ms. Gita Subedi, Team Leader of REED Nepal. My internship experience was invaluable for my personal and career growth. During my time with REED, I actively contributed to various areas of work, including documentary production, communication material creation, editing, research summary development, support in proposal writing, and advocacy for REED Nepal's work at international level. I developed a high level of professionalism, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic required for the future career goals of mine. One of my notable achievements was in producing engaging and informative documentaries and communication materials, showcasing creativity and the ability to simplify complex concepts. My research summaries provided valuable insights and supported ongoing projects of REED Nepal. I was also passionate about advocating for REED Nepal's work on the international stage, helping raise awareness about our mission and the issues we address. In summary, my internship at REED Nepal has been a resounding success. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the organization's mission and the chance to develop my creative and research skills. I look forward to excelling in my chosen field and continuing to make a positive impact.”